Posts Tagged ‘Internet’

Guess What I’m Having for Dinner?

I talk about all my favorite things on this blog except food.  Why you ask? (you know I’m going to tell you anyway.) My brain works in peculiar ways, and I often feel it is just as important to explain why I don’t do things than it is to explain why I do.  This habit […]

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Writing Ideas

Where do your writing ideas come from?  For a long time I didn’t really have an answer for that question.  Where did they come from?  Imagination, yeah of course, but what was the spark that brought the idea to life? Many of my stories, especially my short stories, have come from writing prompts.  I’ve belonged […]

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But it’s Cozy in Here!

Marketing is for the birds! At least that is what I want to say.  I should be able to stay in my warm cozy little writing cocoon and not worry about such things.  Well, to stick with the bird analogy, maybe I’ll stay right here in my protective shell instead. The temptation is strong.  I […]

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Is AI Bad?

Recently, several companies that work with developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) sent an open letter to the UN.  The letter was to voice concerns over the use of AI in weapons.  These companies are concerned that AI will be used to develop weapons that will act independently of humans.  They call it the “third revolution in […]

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Who Are These Highly Successful People?

Growing up, I hated watching the news. News was for grownups, I liked watching my afternoon sitcoms.  At that time we had three channels, so it wasn’t as if there were that many shows to choose from.  Still, I had my favorites: Gilligan’s Island, Hogan’s Heroes, F Troop, and many others.  They were all silly […]

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